Testimonies of God in Action

With Carol Neelands

Peter Libicz “How Can I be Good Enough”

Peter knew, from the time he was a child, that he wanted to be a Catholic saint. It didn't take him too many years to realize he just couldn't be good enough. He still hoped to be a Catholic priest, but that went by the wayside when he fell in love. He was still determined to make certain his good deeds outweighed his bad, but even that left him hanging. Peter's story will hold you captivated with emotion and with the divine encounters that happen throughout, You are sure to be blessed by it, and I trust you will want to pass it on.

Karen Greenwood - Leaving the Dry Behind

In the first episode with Karen, she made it quite clear to the Lord that she wanted to accept Jesus but she wanted "nothing to do with that Holy 'Ghost!'" This episode goes back to where she has had enough of a dry religion that leaves her feeling that something is still missing, She is ready for more — sort of!

Lamb Baker - Isn't she beautiful!

Lamb tells of how God uses him to do a house cleaning and the amazing thing that happened afterwards.

Karen Greenwood – "Finances? He’s Got This!"

Does God care about our financial situation? Karen's amazing testimonies clearly show that He does. Whenever the situation got too much for her she would lay the problem on her Heavenly Father's lap with the confidence that He would take care of it. Karen shares a few exciting incidents from her life that illustrate how God looks after His children.

Lamb Baker “I had my own personal demon assigned to me”

Lamb struggles with feelings of being different throughout school with only God as his friend. He knows God is real; he has seen Him in the lives of his parents and the miracles he has witnessed, but as he tries awkwardly to fit in with others in his youth group, he says something that makes him wish he were dead, and that's when the real trouble starts. Lamb tells his story with humor and a compassion for others that stems from his own experiences.

Bruce and Carol knew that God wanted them to have the land, but how could they possibly get it without money? and how could they afford a house for the property? Carol and Karen share their connected story in this Part 2 about the land. You can find more of these exciting stories of God in action in Carol's book "The Path He Chose for Me"

#2 Karen Greenwood - Me Forgive Her?! (Delightful Surprise ending)

Karen tells of God's intervention as her daughter writes a suicide note. She also discusses her struggle to forgive the "other woman," and the wonderful Christmas present the Lord gives her after she lays her anger on the alter and purposes to let God change her heart.

Karen Greenwood - There's got to be More

Karen Greenwood calls herself the woman at the well. Her testimony is both entertaining and inspirational. She tells of the struggles and God-directed events that led to her salvation and of how God used her as a baby Christian still trying to learn her spiritual ABCs, to bring about an amazing miracle,
This podcast is part 1 of a two part interview.

#3 Karen Greenwood - Learning to Yield to His Will and enjoying being His Child

If she's going to come to Canada, Karen wants that piece of land and claims it. But is it what God wants for her? She finally understands His will and submits, and it brings blessings to her and others. But then He gives her a tougher directive. This is a story of how God blesses us in His own way when we yield to His will.

Lenora Rowsell #1 Learning to Trust God’s Leading

Lenora learns to trust God even in the difficult circumstances by following her father’s example. When she is diagnosed as as a young girl as having grand mal seizures she learns to accept it as a path for growing in Christ.

Lenora Rowsell Part 2

I Don’t Think I can Do this, Lord!

Lenora begins to wonder if she is actually cut out to be the wife of a pastor, but then she is a little shocked to find herself the wife of a clown. God uses her and her husband, but it is in His way and in His time.